AMA transcript JIGSTACK x Sylant’s Room

14 min readApr 22, 2021

Sylant: We’re getting ready! We only have a couple more minutes to go before we start! Excited to learn more about Jigstack?

Charles: “Hey, everyone great to be here!”

Sylant: Welcome everyone! We’re more than excited to be hosting our AMA with the much-anticipated Jigstack. The self-proclaimed Microsoft of DeFi is coming to the market soon launching their IDO on their own launchpad platform Lemonade as just one of the many products to be launched under the Jigstack umbrella. We’re thrilled to invite Jigstack’s CBDO, Charles Robinson into Sylant’s Room and chat about Jigstack!

Sylant: Welcome Charles Robinson. We’re dividing today’s AMA in a couple sections:

1. Intro
2. The product
3. The company behind the product
4. Investment opportunity
5. Twitter Questions
6. Questions from the Telegram community

Sylant: We like to kindly remind you that we’re giving away a bunch of prizes for the best questions that we receive! Polish all your questions up one last time, and pay attention to the answers given, since we’re only looking for the best questions out there! We’ll unmute the chat when we arrive at the “Questions from the Telegram community” section of the AMA.

Sylant: Without holding you up any longer, let’s dive right in! Are you ready for the first question Charles?

Charles: “Yes I am!”

Sylant: Let’s start with a fun question to begin with; what were you doing before starting this AMA?

Charles: “Thanks, I appreciate the opportunity to be with you and your followers today. I was working in the AR and ledger space with Tanzle, a Silicon Valley Company designing and implementing dApps on Hedera Hashgraph. I also handled Business Development for them.”

Sylant: Haha, well that’s a perfect bridge with my next question that you already briefly touched. Can you tell us a bit more about who you are and about your project, Jigstack?

Charles: “Sure, I have been involved in crypto and blockchain since 2015, when BTC was $300.00. I got involved because I am a student of economics and finance and also a software developer. I’ve worked for IBM, CA Technologies and BMC Software. I read Satoshi’s paper and also the Ethereum paper and a book called Ethereum which really immersed me into the philosophy of encryption, consensus, decentralization, smart contracts, and the like. I still like researching new features and the computer science and math behind them. I’ve developed my own algo-stable token, for example. I have been involved in about 20 ledger projects and I am an investor and frequent conference speaker. Second part is why Jigstack? The Defi space is overly complex, and for someone with no crypto knowledge as an investor or as someone who wants to launch a token, moving into Defi is not easy, as we all know Defi is morphing every day. Everyday a new company and service pops up. Jigstack sees DeFi as many puzzle pieces that can be put together to form a larger more complete picture. Our first token, the STAK and its related launchpad is Lemonade. Lemonade, our ETH and soon-to-be Hedera and Polygon launchpad, will make it easy to launch a token, similar to a child that sells Lemonade as their first business. Lemonade exists to make is super-easy to launch a token, and in our future product, to create affiliate links to market the token. Jiglabs, our custom smart contract development arm can also give the users’ token unique features. Think of Jigstack as a one-stop-shop for everything Defi.”

Sylant: Bam! That’s what I call an answer, hyped about the rest of the AMA already :) Thanks for bringing the right energy Charles

Charles: Thanks, Sylant, I can tell you and your community are sophisticated crypto users and investors.


Sylant: Let’s dive right into the product. One word we constantly see is the ‘Jigstack Umbrella’. You’re aiming at launching a lot of products as part of the Jigstack ecosystem. Lemonade and ETHlink are the first, how far are you in terms of developing these products?

Charles: “Great question! Lemonade is done. We just reviewed the security and penetration test audits and are on our way to launching very, very soon. Ethlink’s name may change, possibly Jiglink or Deffiliate, something along those lines. Maybe your community can make suggestions to us? The affiliate link project will allow a token minted under Lemonade to be marketed by others and also will pay others commissions and STAK tokens by clicking the link and joining the platform and by referring their friends. We feel that the affiliate marketing project, which is currently in design will be one of our top revenue generators.”

Sylant: Thanks! We’ll get to the topic of generating revenue, and what it means for the $STAK token holders later on, but for now, I got other questions regarding the product. Since you’re taking an open-source transparent stand, how dependent are you on external contribution, or is there enough in-house talent to maintain continuous development on new products?

Charles: “We are very open, our upcoming DAO will be used for improvement proposals and staking values and tokens to earn as much of a return as possible on staked STAK tokens. We are always open to new product ideas form our user community, and accepted proposals will just add to that user’s return. Second part, we are not overly dependent but open to new contributions. Although our team and their collective superpowers and experiences is why I joined Jigstack.”

Sylant: Awesome! I’m curious to hear more about the team, but I have two more questions about the product I’d like you to answer! How do you prevent any fraudulent projects utilizing or entering the Jigstack ecosystem? For example, a rug pull project launching on lemonade or even an entire product attempting to launch under the Jigstack umbrella.

Charles: “Good question in light of some recent scam projects that have been launched on popular launchpads. will be our rankings, ratings and ultimate approval platform all Lemonade projects that are being evaluated. The team will initially be involved with approvals but on your point, we never want to be involved with a scam project nor do we want to jeopardize our users’ funds and the STAK token’s value due to bad actors. We have been very diligent in getting our smart contracts audited and will be very diligent in making sure every project launched on Lemonade meets our strict requirements one if which is the project adds value to the entire ecosystem.

Our DAO will ultimately take over the approval process making everything 100% automated with a little assistance from we, humans.”

Sylant: Alright! It sounds like security is one of the key pillars/core values of the Jigstack ecosystem, right? That brings me to the final question on the product (Prolly the community has many more to come). What would you say is the “killer feature” that separates Jigstack from the thousands of other projects out there?

Charles: Our user-friendly UI and UX. Our ease of use. We will defy the complexities of DeFi. One more, our ecosystem will be fully integrated and on multiple platforms. Think of a single dashboard governing all of your on-chain assets.”


Sylant: Awesome! I’m seeing more and more people getting hyped about Jigstack every single day. I know I can’t wait for $STAK launching on Lemonade. I’m convinced your product will be great, but without the right people to bring that idea to live, you’re still at zero. So, let’s dive into the team!

Charles: Of course! We humans are still needed, lol”

Sylant: You shared some information about yourself and how hyped you are about the Jigstack team, can you tell us a bit more about the rest of the team?

Charles: Roby Weir our COO has a strong background in crypto and marketing. Aidan Leonard, our CTO and project management professional has worked on projects related to Google such as AdWords. He is amazing at managing the diverse projects that we have going on simultaneously. Kaue Cano, our lead ETH developer is very skilled in Ethereum and Defi Smart Contracts and has numerous major projects under his belt.”

Sylant: That sounds really good — may I ask how you eventually found your way to start working for Jigstack as a team member?

Charles: “I was approached by a recruiter for JS and really liked the team and the rest as they say is history. Or rather, we are making history, together. I like the way, Sylant that you focus on the team, to me the tech is almost universally focused on more, and while important the team is even more important.


Sylant: That’s the spirit! Gotta love a passionate hardworking team! How exciting to see so many talented individuals coming together to bring a product to life. Now, since we’re investors and many of our community members are as well, we like to briefly touch the investment opportunity. We’re not a big fan of speculating, thus we only have two small questions!

Charles: “Yes, speculating causes a lot of volatility.”

Sylant: Exactly! We shouldn’t underestimate the power of a good team, without one you can have the best idea in the world but the execution will be lacking the talent. What are the incentives for holding the $STAK token?

Charles: Yes. For holders of STAK, earning interest and new STAK tokens. Farming, as well as compounding. We are looking at partnering with other LP providers in unique ways. Our DAO will also make real-time adjustments to always maximize the profit potential of STAK token holders.”

Sylant: Is it true that STAK holders will also be able to access private/presales on Lemonade?

Charles: STAK Holders will earn lots of perks. As far as private/presales, there is a qualification beyond just holding STAK tokens of course.”

See this article for STAK benefits

Sylant: That’s solid. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of these STAK tokens! Then I got one final question before we continue with the community questions which might be a little blunt. Feel free to skip this question if you prefer to! Would you be so kind to give anything exclusive to everyone attending this AMA in terms of news, or facts that people didn’t know about Jigstack just yet?

Charles: “Yes, I would love to. Did you know that one of the top crypto influencers in the world likes the Lemonade Stand concept.”

Sylant: I’ve actually seen this pass by! It’s a certain fella from one of the largest exchanges around, right? ;)

Charles: Yes! CZ of Binance has written an article saying that crypto usage should be as easy as using a Lemonade Stand. Here’s the link:

Sylant: Thank you so far Charles, loving the answers! Guess it’s time to check out some of the quality questions from Twitter. The amount of support for the AMA on Twitter has amazed me, thank you for the great questions! Don’t worry if your question isn’t selected, it was a hard pick! Are you ready?

Sylant: There are six questions in total and I’ll be sending them two at the time for your convenience!

Charles: Ok, drum roll please…

Sylant: Does that work? 😬

Charles: Lol! I am a drummer too.


Alex: “As it where mentioned, $Stak holders will also receive dividends and airdrops from each sale occurring on the platform. How do I need to see that? Could you elaborate on that please?”

Charles: STAK holders will earn new STAK at a rate of 1% commission for all platform transactions. Of that 1% STAK holders receive 80% and 20% is used to buy-back STAK tokens on the open market, thus making STAK a deflationary (scarcer) token.


Robert Jr: “Ambassador helps a project to achieve their goal and towards mass adoption. So, do you have an ambassador program too? If yes, how can I participate and be an ambassador?”

Charles: We don’t, but that is a great idea! I am a Hedera Hashgraph Ambassador, myself. DM me at @crobinsonoc and we can discuss.

Sylant: I bet such connections come in handy, especially when partnering Jigstack with Hedera.

Charles: Yes, Sylant we will be using Hedera’s HTS, token service. They like our comprehensive view of Defi and how to make it simpler.

Sylant: To all watching the AMA, this is a big one!


Nazmud Nahar: “On your website, they mention that the assets deployed under Jigstack are audited by which authorized audition companies are they audited, can you show something conclusive that verifies said audition of this project?”

Charles: We will publish as we are open-source advocates and transparent, Cyber Unit is our auditor as well as Cyrex Corp.


Trader Cryp: “Block FIlms, Moonwhale Ventures, Exnetwork, DHC capital, Blocksync Ventures, Gains, CSP DAO and X21 Digital Of the many partners, what are their advantages for the JigStack project?”

Charles: They like our comprehensive view of Defi and how to make it simpler.


Génesis: “At your website it says you have a partnership with Polygon. Can you tell us about the benefits Polygon brings to Jigstacks in terms of scale transactions in a cost effective and reliable manner?”

Charles: Sure, I like Polygon because it keeps ETH at the center while speeding up the transaction as well as cutting costs. We don’t have to modify our code much at all. Their layer 2, Plasma side-chain approach is a beautiful solution.


ASHIK SARKAR: “I saw about the “JigBridge” low cost, faster and cheaper interchain. Please tell us more about this compared to the interchain that we have now. How is the development been going? When do you plan to launch it?”

Charles: Jigbridge is my idea to allow fast inter-blockchain and DAG (such as Hedera) atomic swaps that are much faster, much cheaper and more secure. We plan on announcing a key partnership in this area.


Filippo:Here is also the ANN with all the information of our STAK SC


Trùm Crypto: “Not every crypto user understands technical issues well enough. Has JIGSTACK prepared any informative material that could facilitate the use of inexperienced users?”

Charles: Yes, we are in the process of writing many articles that will be educational for the new crypto user this is where comes in


Henry Barzin: “Are you a global project or local project? Can anybody anywhere use Your project without any restrictions?”

Charles: We are a global ecosystem


LK LK: “UI/UX is your key feature. But your ambitions are becoming Microsoft of DeFi. Now Microsoft is not famous for its user friendliness. But Apple is. Why not becoming Apple and how will you achieve this state-of-the-art UI/UX? Everybody is claiming this.”

Ross: “On your website it is written that JigStack looks like Microsoft from DeFi, what is this analogy about, what characteristics of Microsoft as a corporation and brand would also be identifiable on the JigStack platform?”

Charles: Think of how excel and word integrate also with PowerPoint we want the same look and feel for each of our products and we want them all to seamlessly integrate like Microsoft Office does


ᴅᴏᴍɢᴏᴅ🌒 C A T Bitcoin: “I am a newbie in the crypto and blockchain field, so do you have any plans to target and educate people who don’t know about blockchain and cryptocurrencies? What are the benefits of new users joining your project?”

Charles: Yes, we are in the process of writing many articles that will be educational for the new crypto user this is where comes in.


Stefan Koolmees: “Thanks for having us! How are you technically going to manage to send coins from blockchain to blockchain without losing these coins?”

XIAOHU LIU: “Right now, issuing a token is a fairly simple process. However, building systems and ecosystems is the hardest part. My question is, how will the demand for tokens increase and how will this token be used in the ecosystem?”

Charles: Great question, we are developing STAK bank and affiliated marketing product, wallet and an inter-block chain solution, a gift card reward program, and NFT solution.


Ivo: “Why do you use a jigsaw piece as your brand image? I believe many people associate a jigsaw with complexity and based on your story and demo movies your platform looks really easy to use and not difficult at all.”

Charles: That’s it, a jigsaw puzzle is complex we break it down into pieces that are easily usable and identifiable.


Reinhard Van Astrea: Smart contracts are prone to failure and many projects fall victim to this, costing user’s money and the project discrediting. How reliable and secure is your smart contract? Have you audit it through any of the parties?”

Fariul Moni: Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing user’s funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?”

Charles: Our smart contracts have been audited and our DAO governance will also be audited.


Pandora: “Tell us about your plans for 2021, what are you currently focus on?…and are you going to expand the list of giant exchanges?”

Charles: We are talking to giant exchanges right now


Thành Vũ $Beating $8itcoin: 1. Increasing Token price. 2. Make Token Valuable. 3. Building Community Trust. From 3 aspects above, I want to ask, which one the most important for you? If all above are important for you, which one that Will you do first?”

Charles: Making token valuable is our goal and we won’t be able to achieve that without the trust of our community.


Sajun Anh Ngoc: Do you love Sylant’s Room? Why Sylant’s Room for AMA?

Charles: Yes, I love it!


Amine: “What are the benefits to partnership with Jigstack?”

Charles: As a STAK holder there will be many perks. We are still working out the exact perks that we will grant. Of course, token holders will have access to announcements of new tokens that are gonna be announced similar to Binance Dex. As far as deep discounts that is usually governed by a large investment.


DOGE COIN | MUSK:Do you have plans for active Community participation like Governance, contests, bounties, Ambassadors programs etc? Thank you so much. AMA is so amazing.”

Charles: How can you make us better in our community? We want to hear from you.


José Silva: What are the products and/or improvements that you are currently developing to maintain a sustainable expansion plan and that also add value to the $STAK token?”

Charles: Briefly, we want to launch 4–6 products this year


A R: “Can you explain the reason to choose Hedera Hashgraph as one of the blockchains that will incorporate Jigstack’s Lemonade service for future token sales by native projects? When certik audit?”

Charles: Polygon, Hedera with many others in the process of being announced.


Sylant: WOW! The amount of interest in Jigstack is enormous, had to mute at 60+ questions to be able to select a couple! Charles, if you would be so kind to select a couple that you think are best to answer. I know it might be a hard pick with such interest.

Sylant: You are on fire, Charles! Thanks for hitting so many questions!

Charles: “Thanks! I love rapid fire.”

Sylant: Must be the muscle memory of the drum hands. Before closing the AMA, is there anything we missed that you would like to address?

Charles: “I hope each of you takes a part in our ecosystem and that we can together build the next generation of DeFi tools. Thanks to all for participating and thank you Sylant.”

Sylant: Absolutely, you have my personal support and I believe many of the community as well. On behalf of the entire community, I would like to thank you for joining us and sharing insight about Jigstack. We are very much looking forward to using the launch and will absolutely keep our eyes out for Public IDO announcements. It’s been an absolute pleasure to learn from you Charles, would love to do this again in the future.

Charles: Thanks.

Filippo | Jigstack: Thanks, Sylant. Your community is great

Sylant: Absolutely, greatly appreciated! I think they’re the absolute best Thanks to everyone for attending the amazing AMA with Jigstack! Thanks to Charles & Filippo for attending and thanks to anyone in the community for participating! We’ll be in touch with the winners of the rewards shortly!




An investor providing premium quality content. Twitter: @InvestorSylant